Books: Kate Mulvany
- All Categories
- Acting
- Bargain Box
- Biography and General
- Comedy
- Costumes Props and Sets
- Directing
- Drama
- Film and Media
- Games
- HSC Drama
- Merchandise
- Monologues
- Musical Theatre
- Musicals
- Play Scripts
- Play Scripts Australian
- Play Scripts Children
- Production Team and Crew
- Schools
- Second Hand
- Shakespeare
- Sound and Light
- Stage Whispers
- Theatre History
- VCE Drama
- All Authors
- John McCallum
- Lachlan Philpot
- Neil LaBute
- Ray Lawler
- Alana Valentine
- Alex Buzo
- Andfy Nyman
- Andrea James
- Andrew Bovell
- Andy Johnston
- Angela Betzien
- Angela Betzien
- Angus Cameron
- Angus Cerini
- Anthony Crowley
- Aphra Behn
- Ariel Dorfman
- Biggins
- Bob Merrit
- Brad Haseman and John O'Toole
- Braham Murray
- Brodie Murray
- Campion Decent
- Carolyn Burns
- Cassandra Fumi
- Cheryl Threadgold
- Chris Johnston
- Clem Gorman
- Daniel Keene
- David Henry Hwang
- David Milroy
- David Williamson
- Dean Carey
- Debra Oswald
- DK
- Donna Abela
- Donna Hughes
- Dorothy Hewett
- Dylan Van Den Berg
- Ethan Mordden
- Finegan Kruckemeyer
- Frank Hatherley
- Gail Pallin
- Geoffrey Atherden
- Geraldine Turner
- Hannie Rayson
- Henrik Ibsen
- Hilary Bell
- Ian Wilding
- Irene Sankoff
- Jack Davis
- James Ljames
- James Seabright
- Jane Harrison
- Jessica Bellamy
- Jessica O'Bryan
- Jessica Swale
- Joan Lindsay Adapted by Tom Wright
- Joanna Murray-Smith
- John Bell
- John Nicholas Saunders
- John Patrick Shanley
- John Wood
- Jonathan Biggins
- Jonathan Biggins, Drew Forsythe and Phillip Scott
- Jye Bryant
- Kate Mulvany
- Kristy Budding
- Lachlan Philpot
- Lally Katz
- Laurence Strangio
- Laurie Kincman
- Lawrence Harbison
- Leah Purcell
- Louis Nowra
- Lyn Pierse
- Lynn Nottage
- Maggie Lloyd-Williams
- Margaret Edson
- Mary Anne Butler
- Mary Morris
- Matthew Whittet
- Melanie Tait
- Michael Gow
- Michelle Law
- Moliere
- Nakkiah Lui
- Namatjira & Ngapartji Ngapartji
- Neil Rutherford
- Nick Enright
- Norman Lindsay. Adapted by Andrew James. Music by Sarah de Jong.
- Oxenbould, Jamie
- Oxenbould, Jamie
- Paul Harvard
- Paul Parker
- Peter Pinne and Peter Wyllie Johnston
- Reg Livermore
- Richard Davis
- Richard Tulloch
- Robert Kronk
- Robert Stigwood
- Robin Soans
- Ryan Enniss
- S. Shakthidharan
- Samah Sabawi
- Sarah Ruhl
- Sean Riley
- Stage Whispers
- Stephen Curtis
- Stephen Sewell
- Stephen Unwin
- Sue Fabisch
- Suzie Miller
- Tim Ferguson
- Tim Fountain
- Tom Molyneux
- Tom Wright
- Tony Kushner
- Tony Lamberg
- Tracey Letts
- Tracey Rigney
- Tracey Rigney, Brodie Murray and Tom Molyneux
- Various writers
- Wesley Enoch and Deborah Mailman
- William Shakespeare
- Yve Blake