
Ready or Not

Written and performed by Ainslee Palmer. A JUTE Theatre Company project for DARTS (Driving and Activating the Regional Theatre Sector). A White Rabbit Theatre production (on tour). Directed by Lisa Smith. Lux Noir Theatre, Townsville. 19 November 2024

A SOLO WORK can live or die by a combination of two crucial things – the acting and the writing.

Thankfully, both performance and writing in this case was in the safe hands of talented actor-writer Ainslee Palmer in her debut solo work. We explore the confronting world of trauma and how we handle it- usually by presenting the veneer of a public “everything’s-fine” face when clearly it is not.

Black Medea

By Wesley Enoch adapted from Euripides. WAAPA Aboriginal Acting Students. Directed by Rick Brayford. The Enright Studio, WAAPA, Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley, WA. Nov 7-13, 2024

Black Medea was performed by WAAPA Aboriginal Acting Students, as the culmination of their yearlong course and crewed, built and designed by WAAPA Production and Design students.

An adaptation of Euripides classic tale, this version, by Wesley Enoch, blends Ancient Greek and Australian indigenous culture. Medea sacrifices her connection to country and family links to pursue love - a disastrous decision.

Mary Poppins

Music & Lyrics by Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman. Book by Julian Fellowes from the novel by P.L. Travers. Additional music and lyrics by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe. Presented by Queensland Musical Theatre based on the original Broadway and London production. Twelfth Night Theatre, Brisbane. 15-24 November 2024

Community theatre is generally the perfect avenue for people of all ages and theatrical talents to get together, and what better a vehicle than this ever-popular family show. Based loosely on the original movie, the Cameron Mackintosh version is somewhat different in presentation, being adapted for the stage whilst still incorporating the characters originally found in P.L Travers’ novel and selections from the original film score.


Traditional adapted by Carol Ann Duffy. WAAPA Second Year Acting Students. Directed by Humphrey Bower. The Edith Spiegeltent, WAAPA, Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley, WA. Nov 9-14, 2024

Everyman is a modern adaptation of a medieval mystery play, that for the last few years has been studied by WAAPA Second Year Acting Students. This year, that cohort present this text publicly, in the unusual performance space of the Edith Spiegeltent.

The audience are guests at the birthday celebration of “Everyone”, with some audience sharing a table with the guest of honour, and the action taking place around them. The audience are drawn into the action, donning party hats, and becoming part of the play.

Musica Alchemica

Musica Viva. Adelaide Town Hall, Adelaide. Nov 18, 2024

Musica Alchemica is described as a ‘magical mystery tour’ of Baroque music! One hundred and forty minutes starring eight composers of the Baroque period – Biber, Cima, Schmelzer, Muffat, Corelli, Telemann, Piccini, and von Westoff. I must confess to some extra research before attending as some of these composers are not in the Baroque mainstream.

Rodgers and Hammerstein Showstoppers

Sydney Philharmonia Choirs. Sydney Town Hall. 16-17 November, 2024

There was buzz as friends and families met on the steps of the Town Hall. It grew as the foyer filled and people made their way to their seats or climbed the stairs to the galleries. Philharmonia audiences are always excited whatever the program. They know that Brett Weymark makes every concert special.

Clue: On Stage

Adapted by Sandy Rustin from the screenplay by Jonathan Lynn, with additional material by Hunter Foster and Eric Price. Henry Lawson Theatre, Werrington NSW. Director: Rebecca Fletcher. 15 – 23 Nov, 2024

Jonathan Lynn’s 1985 film Clue, based on the Hasbro boardgame Cluedo, has become a cult movie – and a favourite of Henry Lawson Theatre’s Rebecca Fletcher’s family. No wonder that she grabbed the opportunity to direct Sandy Rustin’s stage adaptation Clue: On. Stage, which is just as whacky – and busy – as the movie!

Murder On The Nile

By Agatha Christie. Directed by Sharon White. New Farm Nash Theatre, Brisbane. November 15 - December 7, 2024.

Agatha Christie is known to every man and his dog, as she should be. She wrote over 70 best-selling novels and the longest running play ever. This play follows many of her traits where at least one murder occurs and the readers or viewers try to solve the murder/s.  This time everything occurs on a cruise ship going up the Nile River. The cast of eleven make up the guests and various crew members and the murderer has to be one of those who survive the killings. Naturally, in a Christie play, things are never what they seem to be and this kept the audience enthralled to the end.

Ladies in Black

Music: Tim Finn. Lyrics: Carolyn Burns. Book: Madeleine St John. Noosa Arts Theatre. November 14 – December 1, 2024.

Ian Mackellar’s production of Ladies in Black is one helluva slick production. I absolutely adored the sets, the motion, the colour and the effortless ease of transitions. The whole evening appeared as a smooth and natural glide. The 1950s never looked better (in fact, this is the second show in a row that Noosa has produced that has a 1950’s theme).

Round The Twist

Music, Lyrics and Book by Paul Hodge. Theme song by Andrew Duffield. Produced by Queensland Theatre and Queensland Performing Arts Centre. Directed by Simon Phillips. World Premiere season at Playhouse, QPAC. 12th Nov – 8th Dec, 2024

At last, an Australian musical that is true blue down to its very roots. Those roots are the work of Paul Jennings, our most beloved children’s author, without whom this delightful concoction for kids from 1-100 would never exist.

But it has taken the single-mindedness and multi talents of musical wunderkind Paul Hodge to give us a musical for the ages. It’s not a children’s musical, any more than Matilda (with which it will inevitably be compared) is just for children. It is delightful entertainment for every member of the family.