
Tartuffe - The Imposter

By Writer: Molière, adapted by the cast and crew. Monash University Student Theatre. Directed by Celeste Cody. 19th-28th May, 2022

This play, originally from 1664, is still relevant since it holds up human frailty, hypocrisy and misrepresentations of the truth for examination and ridicule. The director, Celeste Cody, has included the best parts of student theatre – exuberance, creative discursions and irreverent takes on the classic text, and the actors have made the most of the opportunity.

References to current issues and culture abound and add to the classic tale. All of the actors brought consistent focus and energy to their roles and the original caricatures were given new life and relevance.


By Fleur Murphy. La Mama Courthouse. 18 – 29 May 2022

A family drama, set (mostly) in the Robinson family home on the bushy outskirts of Melbourne, just before, during and after the bushfires of 2009. (The year could equally well be 2019.) The fires bring tragedy, but they are also the catalyst in the aching conflict between brothers: Matthew (Martin Blum, in a powerful brooding performance) thirty-five, and Tom (Kurt Pimblett, disturbingly mercurial) eighteen. 


By Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, Her Majesty’s Theatre, Adelaide – 21 May – 12 June 2022

‘Welcome to the show, to the historemix’ sing the six ex-wives of Henry VIII, introducing the story you think you’ve heard before. Only this time, it’s as an all-female pop sextet, complete with signature costumes, tiaras with attitude, and personalities larger than the king himself.

Young Bodies/Somebody’s

By Miranda Michalowski. Directed by Jo Bradley. Flightpath Theatre, Sydney. 19-28 May, 2022

The ‘young bodies’ in this notable one-act play by Miranda Michalowski belong to sisters June and Anna. June, 19, is trying madly (and hopelessly) to join her university swimming team, while Anna, 21, spends her time dancing and flirting with useless men. This is the moment when their mother, Dawn, says it’s time for them both to leave home because she wants her new boyfriend to move in.

Unnecessary Farce

By Paul Slade Smith. Centenary Theatre Group. Community Hall, Chelmer, Qld. 21 May – 11 June, 2022

Actor/playwright Paul Slade Smith’s Unnecessary Farce has been given a riotous production by Centenary Theatre Group, with the requisite number of door slammings, characters losing their clothes, and silly situations bringing laughs. Premiering in 2006, this farce is the sort of show community theatre audience’s love, and William McCreery-Rye’s cast dive into the high jinks with relish.

Mozart's Requiem

Queensland Symphony Orchestra. QPAC Concert Hall, Brisbane. 20 + 21 May, 2022

It was heartwarming to see an almost full house at the Queensland Symphony Orchestra's matinee performance of this Mozart classic. All of our national orchestras have suffered at the hand of the pandemic, the QSO being no exception, sadly, particularly as it has grown and flourished to become one of Australia's most respected orchestras, even internationally.

Fast Food

By Morgan Rose. Red Stitch Actors’ Theatre. 14 May – 5 June 2022

In a minor outlet of a fast-food franchise, career manager Troy (Kevin Hofbauer) tries to enthuse, motivate, and control his mostly disaffected crew as they set up for the day. 

The Wizard of Aus

By Bella Alexander, Noemi Finaldi and Charlie Macgregor. UWA Pantomime Society. Directed by Elizabeth Hamilton and Isaac Whiteside. The Dolphin Theatre, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA. May 19-21, 2022

The Wizard of Aus is an original pantomime presented by UWA’s Pantomime Society. Playing for a very short season at the Dolphin Theatre, it is very loosely based on the L. Frank Baum story and is aimed at an adult audience.

Like most productions at the moment there have been some cast changes, with one performer hospitalised very shortly before opening and another, actor and writer Bella Alexander, succumbing to Covid at the last minute - her roles nicely covered by other cast members. 


By Tim Winton. Adapted by Nick Enright and Justin Monjo. Glenbrook Theatre Company. Glenbrook Cinema. 20-28 May, 2022

Set in Perth between 1944 and 1964, Tim Winton’s novel is the saga of the Pickles and the Lambs, two families who share a large house in one of the poorer areas of the city. The Pickles inherited the house, which is haunted by the ghosts of badly treated aboriginal girls whose spirits have been trapped there until “love and new life” comes back to the house.

Become the One

By Adam Fawcett. Lab Kelpie. Director Lyall Brooks. Riverside Theatre, Parramatta. 19-21 May, 2022

Tom is an AFL legend. Fit, muscular, toned, he embodies masculinity. He comes from Brighton, a wealthy background. Noah is a cleaner, sent by the agency for Tom’s approval. He is hesitant, shy, tentative, certainly a bit doubtful about taking this job. They are opposites it seems, so why does it feel so tense?

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