Tartuffe - The Imposter

Tartuffe - The Imposter
By Writer: Molière, adapted by the cast and crew. Monash University Student Theatre. Directed by Celeste Cody. 19th-28th May, 2022

This play, originally from 1664, is still relevant since it holds up human frailty, hypocrisy and misrepresentations of the truth for examination and ridicule. The director, Celeste Cody, has included the best parts of student theatre – exuberance, creative discursions and irreverent takes on the classic text, and the actors have made the most of the opportunity.

References to current issues and culture abound and add to the classic tale. All of the actors brought consistent focus and energy to their roles and the original caricatures were given new life and relevance.

Tartuffe (Tiernan Maclaren), Orgon (Lachie Trappett) and Elmire (Finn McLeish) provided a well-conceived, energetic core for the rest of the cast. The other characters were strongly played and maintained the energy and momentum of the play. Each character had the suggestion of a mask in their make up (Latchie) and this added to the costuming (Lachie Purcell) in creating the characters.

Sound design (Ellen Ma and Fletcher Howell) and lighting (Justin Heaton and Fletcher Howell) added to the actors’ efforts and supported the creation of the intense family-based world of the play.

The set (Lisa Zheng, Luc Favre) provided four separate areas for the actors and each was used to good effect.

A solid take on an old favourite with refreshing additions to bring it into the 2020s.

Ruth Richter

Photographer: Luci Watts.

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