

By Jess Nyanda Moyle. Directed by Joe Lui. The Blue Room Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre, WA. 29 Oct -16 Nov, 2019.

Cephalopods are a class of highly advanced marine animals with tentacles, including octopi, molluscs and squid. Very different to most animals, they are sometimes suggested to be alien in origin.

Since Ali Died

OzAsia Festival. Space Theatre, Adelaide. 1-2 November 2019.

On an empty stage devoid of set and props Omar Musa cuts a lonely figure as he uses the death of his hero Muhammed Ali as an entrée to an hour of storytelling, poetry and rapping.

Musa interweaves sleek threads to create a rich tapestry of stories about life growing up in a country town. Water flows through the piece in the same way that the river runs through Queanbeyan, where Musa grew up.

Writer’s Block

Written by Kellie Silver. Directed by Shane Webb. Presented by Mates Theatre Genesis. Birkdale School of Arts Hall. 18 October – 2 November, 2019

So often comedic plays fail to elicit more than the occasional, ‘Heh’, so it’s a great treat to attend a production in which there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Kellie Silver’s hilarious home-grown play has been served very well by director Shane Webb for community theatre group, Mates Theatre Genesis. Shane has encouraged confident comedic performances from his cast; the witty dialogue supported by fun sight gags such as humorous Brechtian touches woven into the props.

Thigh Gap

By Jamaica Zuanetti. La Mama Courthouse. October 30 – November 10, 2019

If you have a thigh gap, it means you’re slim, taut and terrific, so the new show by Jamaica Zuanetti delves into pop culture to explore body image, beauty and being female in the modern era. The comical absurdist play, directed by Alice Darling, questions female stereotypes and the hazardous consequences of living up to an impossible image.

Much Ado About Nothing

By William Shakespeare. Presented by Artefact Theatre Company, directed by Matthew Cox. Irene Mitchell Studio, St Martins Youth Arts Centre, 28 St Martins Lane, South Yarra. 23 October – 9 November, 2019.

Artefact Theatre Company has produced a lively and exuberant production of this wonderful Shakespeare comedy. The Fitzroy setting is superbly evoked through the set design and through a variety of small and large gestures that capture the unique inner-city culture for which it is famous.


By Yasmina Reza. Verendus Theatrical. Holden Street Theatres. October 30 – November 2, 2019

Art is a fast-paced three hander and it is in the very good hands of three of the best actors in Adelaide in its Verendus Theatrical season. Tracey Walker as Marcia, Alicia Zorkovic as Charlotte and Lyn Wilson as Yvette produced impressive performances and a totally believable story of the ups and downs of friendship.


Adapted by Merlynn Tong after Sophocles. Directed by Travis Dowling. Presented by Queensland Theatre. Bille Brown Theatre, 26 October – 16 November, 2019.

Queensland Theatre has a hit on its hands with the breathtakingly tragic Antigone. It’s a thing of sheer beauty when every craft comes together to give a peak performance. This production proffers excellent acting, visually stunning design, outstanding sound and beautiful lighting. Director Travis Dowling should be applauded for nurturing such exceptional talents to deliver work of this standard.


By Sophia Simmons. Shannon Rush and Sophia Simmons in association with State Theatre Company of South Australia. Bakehouse Theatre. October 24th – November 9th, 2019

We now live in a voyeuristic age where privacy is a thing of the past. Limit by Sophia Simmons is a contemporary piece that capitalises on this obsession, with surprising results.

The narrative is aboutThe Mars Project, brainchild of billionaire Carl Jefferson (voiced by Terence Crawford). Marc and Sarah (played by James Smith and Rachel Burke) have been chosen through public voting to take a one-way ticket to Mars.


By Doreshawar Khan. Directed by Michelle Aitken. The Blue Room, Perth Cultural Centre, WA. Oct 24 – Nov 2, 2019

Sharbat, a new play by Doreshawar Khan who also appears in the show, is a story of being young, female and Muslim in Australia. A story of estranged sisters, of forgiveness and of family, this is a bittersweet story with feel-good overtones.

Scaramouche Jones

By Justin Butcher. HOTA - Home of the Arts – Gold Coast. October 30 – November 2, 2019

There is nothing in theatre more powerful than an actor at the pinnacle of his performing ability, seamlessly melding art and craft to perfection: Colin Friels is that actor. He and Justin Butcher’s Scaramouche Jones come together at a moment in both their lives where they truly connect, and it’s a theatrical marriage made in…well, you know how clichés go.

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