Community Theatre

Evita for Perth’s Stirling Theatre

THE Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice musical Evita is headed to Perth’s Stirling Theatre in April / May 2024.

A Shortcut to Happiness for Therry Theatre

Love story A Shortcut to Happiness is a new comedy from New Zealand's best loved playwright Roger Hall.

A Russian immigrant Natasha can’t work as a teacher because her English is limited, so she tries to improve her income, and language skills, by running dance classes.

Ned's life is just tickety-boo. Sure, he's adjusting to retirement and life on his own, but he's very comfortable with his lot, thank you very much. All that changes with his offer to sort out the financial woes of Natasha.

Bite-Sized Theatrical Treats Open 2024 Season In Western Sydney

The Henry Lawson Theatre ushers in its 2024 season with an array of bite-sized plays in the heart of Western Sydney, from heart-warming tales to mind-bending plots.

The Henry Lawson Theatre has kept the All Sorts special price of just $20 per seat, so theatre enthusiasts can savour some bite-sized treats and kick-start the year with a fun affordable theatre experience.

Mother and Son On Stage At Cronulla

Photographer: Jeffrey Gall

Many people in a certain demographic will be familiar with the TV comedy series Mother and Son, which presented a funny, heartfelt look at life and ageing. In Geoffrey Atherden’s latest stage adaption of his classic TV show, we return to the home of Maggie Beare, who is struggling with the challenges of technology and growing old, along with her dutiful, overworked and under-appreciated son Arthur.

An Inspector Calls at Limelight Theatre

WILL you hear the call? Limelight Theatre in WA is presenting An Inspector Calls as its first season of 2024. 

2023 Music Theatre Guild of Victoria Awards

CLOC Musical Theatre was the big winner at the Music Theatre Guild of Victoria Awards, taking out 11 awards including production of the year for their season of Chess the Musical.

In the School/Junior division Emmaus College was the big winner taking out 5 awards for their production of Little Women.

The 36th annual Bruce Awards took place at the Costa Hall in Geelong, and included, as always, a smorgasbord of entertainment from companies which staged musicals across Victoria in 2023.

Here is the full list of winners.

Community Theatre Seasons 2024

Image: Cats. Willoughby Theatre Company. 2023

Welcome to our Community Theatre Seasons feature, a round-up of productions in 2024 across Australia and New Zealand. 

If your productions are incomplete, or your company is not included, please let us know at our contact form -

Othello at New Fortune Theatre

Shakespeareae's Othello

Sondheim’s Company at Limelight

Tony Award winning Stephen Sondheim musical Company plays at Limelight Theatre in WA during November 2023, exploring the complexities of modern relationships. 

A Symphony of Change

The All-Female Orchestra Behind Bankstown Theatre Company’s Into The Woods

Photograph of the orchestra, above, by Benjamin Oliver

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