Community Theatre

Witches Abroad Premieres in Maryborough as Company Celebrates 65 Years

Maryborough Players (Qld), will celebrate their 65th Anniversary in 2014 by staging the World Premiere of Sir Terry Pratchett’s Witches Abroad, adapted by Ian 'Renoir' Rennie, at the Brolga Theatre, Maryborough from June 4 – 7, and by holding a special Anniversary Dinner on June 21.

Robert Haigh from Maryborough Players said the theatre group was honoured to stage the world premiere of the adaption of Witches Abroad, which “ironically contains some parallels with the Maryborough of old”.

Phoenix Theatre Brings Cosi to Perth

Louis Nowra’s popular Australian play Cosi is being staged at Phoenix Theatre in Hamilton Hill (Perth, WA), during May 2014. 

It follows fresh-faced university graduate Lewis, who is contracted to put on a play at the local asylum with some of its patients – but he feels out of his depth directing them in the opera Cosi fan tutte.

Through working with the patients, Lewis eventually discovers a new side of himself which allows him to become emotionally involved and to value love.


Ahead of Miranda Musical Society’s (NSW) production of Stephen Sondheim’s musical Assassins at Sutherland Memorial School of Arts in June 2014, Musical Director Andrew Howie speaks to Stage Whispers.

Stage Whispers: Why did you want to do this show?

International Gilbert and Sullivan Day 2014

As those keen followers of G & S will know, the International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival is held in the UK in July/August each year.

A comment made at last year’s Magic of G & S symposium has led to the establishment of an International G & S Day, which has been embraced by enthusiasts all over the world.

New Zealand Musical Theatre Boom

Big community theatres in New Zealand are riding a wave of success and are spoiled for choice about what show to do next. David Spicer reports. 

The companies have the advantage of large theatre venues, with well-developed local audiences, and often own a building to rehearse and build sets in.

As well, they are offered musicals not available to community theatres in Australia, where professional companies hold the rights.

A national tour of Mamma Mia! commenced last month with its premiere in Auckland.

Jury Tensions Run High in Twelve Angry Men

Courtroom classic Twelve Angry Men at Melville Theatre (WA) in May 2014, twists from an open-and-shut case to an edge-of-your-seat drama.

Adapted from the Reginald Rose teleplay by Sherman Sergel and directed by Vanessa Jensen, the play is set in a jury deliberation room on a sweltering hot New York evening in 1957 where 12 unnamed men must decide the fate of a young man accused of murder.

As the biases, personalities and tempers of the jury come together, each questions how he should vote, intensifying the uncomfortable nature of the room.

The Phantom of the Concourse

Five Minutes with Simon Greer, Willoughby Theatre Company’s Phantom of the Opera

What does playing the role of 'The Phantom' mean to you?

I have been fascinated by the show ever since I first learnt of it in primary school. It is a pretty iconic role for a musical theatre actor to play and I am so lucky to be able to have a crack at such an interesting character.

What is the biggest highlight of playing this role?

Mike Fletcher is Fagin at Frankston

PLOS Musical Productions welcomes popular performer Mike Fletcher back to the Frankston Arts Centre stage for their June 2014 season of Oliver! in the role of Fagin.

Mike’s previous roles with the company include Patsy, the noble King’s assistant in Monty Python’s Spamalot (pictured below) where his cameo as the gaol guard was recognized with a Victorian Musical Theatre Bruce Award.

High Society on Mousetrap Stage

Classic Cole Porter songs transformed Philip Barry’s The Philadelphia Story into the well-loved MGM movie musical High Society, on stage at The Mousetrap Theatre Company Inc., Redcliffe Showgrounds (Qld), from May 2, 2014.

C. K. Dexter Haven (Jason Kirby) was divorced from wealthy socialite Tracy Samantha Lord (Donna Woollard), but remains in love with her. She, however, is about to get married to a bland gentleman of good standing, George Kittredge (Marcus Thomas).

The Female of the Species for Castle Hill

Castle Hill Players’ 2014 season continues from May 2 at the Pavilion Theatre with Australian playwright Joanna Murray-Smith’s comedy The Female of the Species.

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