Dream Role of Elle for Tanya
Tanya Boyle plays the lead role of Elle Woods in MoonGlow Productions’ Legally Blonde The Musical, playing at the WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong on July 4 and 5 2014.
Tanya shared her thoughts on this ‘dream role’ with Stage Whispers.
How did you get into musical theatre?
I’ve always been interested in musical theatre. My parents used to take my sister and I to see shows when we were young. I remember seeing Cats and there was this cat that literally climbed over my seat. It was interactive and I just loved it - I thought it was so cool. When we moved to Sydney when I was 13, we had some friends who were involved in Engadine Musical Society and I’ve been doing shows non-stop ever since.
Why did you audition for Legally Blonde?
I was obsessed with the show. I saw it twice on Broadway and three times in Sydney, I just thought it was such a fun musical. I knew I had to audition for it. Elle Woods was a dream role. I get to show a range of emotions and sing some amazing songs. Plus, I have some awesome costumes and 12 different shoe changes! It’s been very easy to get into character - Elle and I have a lot of similar characteristics.
What have rehearsals been like?
The rehearsal experience has been amazing - every single rehearsal has been like one giant family reunion. MoonGlow is like a big family and I love that. There isn’t one rehearsal that I don’t have a laugh - it’s just a great vibe.
What do you love about being on-stage?
I just love the feeling. There’s a moment after you’ve done a massive song or an awesome scene and people clap and you know it’s for you - there’s no greater feeling than that.
What are your future plans?
I’m moving to New York when the show finishes. I’m going to take classes and audition for shows - I’m not going over there with any false ideals about becoming a Broadway star, I just want to give it a whirl.
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