New Musical Theatre Module at ACA

Actors Centre Australia is launching its new Musical Theatre Masterclass Module: Scene to Song.
Under the expert guidance of core tutors and industry professionals; Martin Crewes and Margi de Ferranti, you will have the opportunity to unlock your potential in singing, acting and dancing to create a story in a performance.
Through rehearsal and performance of scenes and songs from the great musicals throughout the ages, learn to approach the Journey through scene to song as an actor. Under the expert guidance of core teachers, industry professionals Martin Crewes and Margi de Ferranti, students will learn to apply their skills as actors, singers and dancers in pursuit of the overall objective in each scene in order to tell the story that needs to be told.
Over the course of 12 weeks, discover how to approach each song from a technical point of view, without compromising the dramatic integrity of the scene and, gain an awareness of the different performance styles that are encapsulated by the musical theatre genre to subsequently find the truth within these styles.
Working on musicals from all time periods, students will learn the different approaches required for pieces from contemporary musicals such as "Rent" to pieces from the more classic musicals, such as "Showboat".
Students will be cast in 1 to 2 scenes (songs inclusive) as well as an ensemble piece working with a choreographer. Over the 12 weeks students will also be taught by Guest tutors, who will add their skills and expertise to each stage of the rehearsals.
The class will culminate in Week 11, in a workshop presentation for other PoP modules and selected guest tutors, followed by a debrief session in Week 12.
Entry is by audition only and a maximum of 12 - 14 participants.
Submissions close September 7, with auditions on September 12.
More details