Actors Centre Australia

Actors and Directors are being offered a degree program, half year intensive training or on-line courses available nationwide. From 2023 the degree program is open to International students.
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Stage and Screen)
For those committed to the highest-quality industry training available, ACA’s Bachelor of Performing Arts (Stage and Screen) is their flagship program.
The mission of ACA’s Degree Program is to serve, inspire, support and embolden their creative artists via sector-specific training so that they can enter the performing arts workplace and professionally collaborate and contribute – above industry standard – and at the highest level.
The Bachelor of Performing Arts (Stage and Screen) degree program is designed and created by Actors Centre Australia, which is accredited by Torrens University Australia and delivered in partnership.
Application are now open for 2023: APPLY NOW
Next Intake: February, 2023
Duration: Three years. Full-time
Course codes: BAPEASS18 CRICOS: 109434B
Foundation Program
This course, which runs for five months during the evenings on weeknights Monday to Thursday and all day on Saturday, is designed to kick-start an actor’s journey and study of the performing arts. Subjects include acting, voice, body, improvisation, language power, stage combat, comedy and Shakespeare, culminating in a public performance.
“The Foundation Program is an exciting hot bed of emerging talent. Our current students are gearing up for their final performance which is set to showcase an incredible group. Their journey with us has been a joy to watch!” said Associate Director and Course Director Johann Walraven.
A focus of the course is helping actors get ‘match-ready’ for end of year drama school auditions.
The Sydney based Foundation Program has two intakes each year, in January and July.
Next Intake: 30 January, 2023
Duration: 20 weeks