NSW State Government Support for Artists with Disabilities
A dozen NSW artists with disabilities will benefit from $150,000 in State Government funding to develop skills in their chosen art form, the Minister for the Arts, George Souris, and the Minister for Ageing & Disability Services, Andrew Constance, announced on Thursday February 28, 2013, at the Shopfront Theatre for Young People, in Carlton.
The Ministers were joined by Matthew Massaria, a young disabled artist who has received a grant of $10,000 to further his skills in dance and video production. Also in attendance were Amanda Foote, the General Manager of Shopfront, and Mark Coure, the Member for Oatley.
Mr Souris said the funding – under the Amplify Your Art program – supports professional development for artists with disabilities in metropolitan and regional NSW.
“The Amplify Your Art program will help and encourage artists with disabilities to reach their full potential,” Mr Souris said.
“The funding is part of a $1.5 million NSW Government commitment to boost access to arts and cultural activities for people with a disability.
“Artists in fields as diverse as sculpture, writing, ceramics, music theatre, dance and visual art have secured funding of up to $10,000 each to hone their skills.”
Mr Constance said people with disabilities make significant contributions to arts and culture in NSW.
“The two-year Arts and Disability Partnership between Arts NSW and Ageing, Disability and Home Care promotes inclusion in the arts and cultural sector for people with a disability.
“This program is one example of the NSW Government’s commitment to encourage people with a disability to fully participate in the arts.
“Artists with disabilities have a valuable and important contribution to make to the State’s artistic and cultural life,” Mr Constance said.
The recipients of Amplify your art funding are:
Perry Keyes, Waterloo, $10,000 for skills development in music theatre;
Darren Green, Bonville, $9,400 for internships, performance opportunities and an artist’s residency in physical theatre and dance;
Debra Beale, Woolloomooloo, $8,500 for skills development in bronze sculpturing;
Gaele Sobott, Lakemba, $8,690 for skills development in fiction writing;
Gerard O’Dwyer, Guildford, $10,000 for skills development in digital media, voice and film production;
Amanda Channells, Coffs Harbour, $9,327 for professional development in ceramic art;
Matthew Massaria, Carss Park, $10,000 for skills development in dance and video production.
Clarrice Collien, Marrickville, $9,438 for a mentorship program to develop her skills in ceramic art;
Kiruna Stamell, Bondi Junction, $10,000 for professional skills development in dance theatre direction;
John Demos, Gladesville, $10,000 for skills development in print-making;
Robert Smith, Hornsby, $8,600 for a mentorship program in installation practice;
Richard Bell, Blairmount, $8,500 for professional development in poetry and publishing.
Image: Ministers Constance and Souris, Mark Coure MP with Amanda Foote and Howard Matthew (Shopfront General Managers) and Matthew Massaria.