Funding To Support South Australian Artists During Covid-19

Funding To Support South Australian Artists During Covid-19

A total of $50,000 worth of grants that will assist South Australian artists impacted by the COVID-19 crisis is now available as a result of a new partnership between Adelaide Fringe and the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation.

Up to 30 quick response grants – ranging from $1,500 to $2,000 – will be awarded to artists to help them create work and connect with audiences in new and different ways during these challenging times. Grants will be awarded via an application process through the Adelaide Fringe Artist Fund.

Applications are now open to South Australian-based artists including performers across all genres, visual artists, musicians and producers. They will have until midnight Sunday 10 May to apply for funding, with grants awarded soon after.

Artists will need to fill in the application form online, outlining how their practice has been affected by COVID-19, what project they are working on, and how it is innovative and distinct in nature. Works are to be developed in this time of physical isolation, while also considering new ways to reach audiences.

Adelaide Fringe Director and CEO Heather Croall said the grants had been made possible through the generous support of the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation.

“The James and Diana Ramsay Foundation is a remarkable organisation with a genuine commitment to supporting artists and arts programs,” she said. “Adelaide Fringe is delighted and proud to be partnering with the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation to provide some funding relief to South Australian artists who have lost most of their income.

“While COVID-19 has significantly impacted all of us, the arts community has been dealt a devastating blow with the postponement and cancellation of tours and performances, and other opportunities.

“We want to help artists who have been directly impacted by the pandemic. We hope these grants can provide some relief to artists and help them to continue creating their work.”

Executive Director of the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation Kerry de Lorme said the James and Diana Ramsay Foundation was pleased to be able to offer these grants to South Australian artists in these extraordinary times.

“Diana always wanted the Foundation to be flexible and respond to circumstances and we are committed to finding new ways that help artists in these difficult times,” she said.

Applications close at midnight on Sunday 10 May, 2020. For further information, criteria and to apply for a grant online, visit:

Image: By A Thread. Photographer: Shaun Higgins.


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