South Pacific
Emmaus College is a Catholic co-educational college in Rockhampton, Queensland, from years 8 to 12. The school has a thriving interest in the Performing Arts and annually performs a full-scale musical. In 2008 we embarked on our 24th successive Musical, South Pacific, with up to 150 students involved, on stage, backstage and in the pit. I believe the reason our musicals attract such large voluntary numbers is because of the huge sense of community they build and the tradition on which we stage our shows.
Every year past students come back to the college and help stage the next musical or play in the pit. Often these students take on major roles in the production team, such as choreographer or assistant director. In recent years the production team has been made up of four generations of staff and students. In 2009, we anticipate a huge year for our 25th Musical, Jesus Christ Superstar (to be staged in early July).
It will be a time of celebrating and calling on the 2000 odd performers, backstage crew and orchestra members over 25 years to journey with us as we remember people, shows and performing excellence. In addition to this, our school will also be involved with performance opportunities with Circus Challenge in March, Wotopera in May/June and Townsville Theatre festival to name a few.
Kym Beattie, Head of Performing Arts