The Great Australian Rock Musical
Sandgate High School QLD
The Great Australian Rock Musical, presented on the 27th and 28th of July, was a great success. The top-rate Aussie humour and the soundtrack of classic Australian rock songs kept cast and audience alike laughing and tapping to the beat. Also, the musical's special ability to turn every last singer, dancer, and actor into a star, showed that it really was one-in-a-million. The script made sure everyone was important and valued, so it's no wonder that everyone on stage performed at their very best. The twice-weekly rehearsals were a highlight for students. Cast and crew had the opportunity to make new friends and grow closer to their old ones as they worked together to bring the show to life. Everyone who attended and participated will remember The Great Australian Rock Musical as one of the best high school musicals ever performed on our school stage.
By a senior student.