Disney’s Aladdin Jr - St Columba College - Andrew Farms, SA.

Disney’s Aladdin Jr - St Columba College - Andrew Farms, SA.

A cast of 180 St Columba students took to the stage in this year’s musical presentation, Disney’s Aladdin Jr. In doing so they provided great entertainment to peers and parents. Performing for such a large and appreciative audience was clearly uplifting for them.
In preparation students rehearsed scenes and routines within their scheduled Drama lessons enabling a huge cast to be involved. Performing Arts at St Columba is experiencing tremendous growth and is now regraded as an essential component of the Curriculum. Its importance is recognised because it develops many essential life skills for students - teamwork, confidence and public speaking.
Mr James Tamblyn, Head of Middle School, commented: “the production was a wonderful celebration of our drama students work. It highlighted the spirit of cooperation and commitment that exists within the college”.
Kerryn Bolt - Director/Head of Drama