The Addams Family
Brentwood Secondary College, Victoria
In the past 11 years, the Performing Arts program at Brentwood Secondary College has grown from one production a year to three. It is staple in the school community and brings together a range of students, staff and industry people to ensure the best educational experience. Under the guidance of the senior drama teacher, The Addams Family was one of the biggest productions undertaken by Brentwood. It allowed the students to take the Addams Family we have grown up with from TV and movies and give them their own unique spin. The show itself was a roaring success, from a growth perspective for the actors and their development of multifaceted characters, and the box office with a record number of audience members coming through the doors. This show does what Performing Arts is meant to do for our students; give them an opportunity to extend their abilities and work as a 'family' to create a product we are all proud of. The Addams Family has been a show that we are all proud of.
Joel Batalha - Head of Senior School.
Rights available from ORiGiN Theatrical.