
The Rise and Fall of Little Voice

By Jim Cartwright. Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Sydney. Directed by Shaun Rennie. Feb. 1-24, 2019

One of Australia’s greatest musical theatre stars, Caroline O’Connor, is the drawcard for this intimate production of the British play The Rise and Fall of Little Voice. O’Connor is a force on stage so is perfect to play the overbearing and often-drunk Mari Hoff, mother to the wondrous Little Voice. There are cheers for O’Connor as she enters the stage and launches into tempestuous dialogue.

Boy Zoned

By Ryan Hunt and Heather Jerems. Paper Haus. Fringe World. Directed by Heather Jerems. The Circus Theatre, Fringe Central, Perth Cultural Centre, WA. Feb 5-10, 2019

Boy Zoned is a new juke box musical, making its premiere at FringeWorld. It features Boy Zoned, the hottest boy band cover band in the world, as they undertake their “huge” stadium world tour.

A parody of boy bands of the 90s, it is very funny, but also features amazing harmonies, excellent singing and all of your favourite 90s boy band dance moves.

Chocolate Blues

By Jake Dennis. Fringe World. Downstairs at the Maj, His Majesty’s Theatre, Perth. Feb 5-9, 2019

Chocolate Blues is a cabaret of classic blues numbers including songs made famous by Ray Charles, Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin and Billie Holiday, expertly sung by Jake Dennis.

The musical numbers are superb, with Jake’s voice a mixture of chocolate, brown sugar and honey. Gorgeous tone, with the power to fill a much larger room. A performer whose personality shines through his songs, with wry humour, sexiness and charm.

Feeling very “late night” for a 6pm performance time, this is an easy to watch, relaxing show, with broad appeal.

Party Snake

Written and directed by Kotryna Gesait. Performed by Lachlan Martin. UMad Productions. Hare Hole @ Hares & Hyenas, 63 Johnson Street, Fitzroy. 5 – 7 February 2019

It’s almost dawn – on stage - as our drag queen narrator teeters on stage to begin her monologue.  The voluminous red wig, the sweeping false eyelashes, the dramatic make-up with a slash of lipstick are all the classic drag signs – complicated by a beard.  The stunning elegance of the simple evening dress is just a little undercut by the near cliché challenging aggression – intended to shock, to forestall criticism and delivered full throttle in a whiskey-and-cigarettes snarl – of booze, drugs and lots of sex.

600 Seconds

Fringe World. The Blue Room Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre, WA. Feb 5-9, 2019

600 Seconds is a short works development program presenting works-in-progress from emerging artists and artists who are experimenting with new ideas. Quintessentially Fringe, it is an experimental zone as well as being pure short form theatre. As an audience member it is likely that you will not connect to all of the pieces, but its short and sweet nature means that a completely different moment is always just around the corner.

Love Letters

Written by A.R.Gurney. Directed by Ray and Gloria Swenson. Brisbane Arts Theatre. Feb 3 – 14, 2019.

This play is a unique experience for the audience as it is invited to absorb the emotions and storytelling completely by the spoken word. There is no managed stage movement at all.  The two characters, Melissa and Andrew, met in childhood and we follow their lives and dreams from notes, letters and cards that they wrote right through to their twilight years. We engage with their dreams and disappointments, their awkward adolescence, their mature misgivings and, of course, their many missed opportunities.

Cake Daddy

Written & performed by Ross Anderson-Doherty, with songs by Lachlan Philpott & music by Marty Byrne; directed by Alyson Campbell. A wreckedAllprods presentation. Midsumma Festival. Theatre Works, Acland Street, St Kilda Vic. 5 – 10 February 2019

Ross Anderson-Doherty is a natural showman.  He has charisma, he engages the audience – they love him - and he’s just that bit confrontational.  After all, this is a show with a cause.  An argument.  A case to make.  You’ve heard of Weight Watchers?  This is Cake Watchers – a riposte to the careful, dieting, slim is beautiful thing, a counter charge.  At one point we’re invited to watch Ross watch a pink-iced cake – and not eat it.  As if abstinence is all.  This is a show about fat &

Cotton Wool Kid

By Zoe Hollyoak. Fringe World. Directed by Zoe Hollyoak. Rehearsal Room 1, State Theatre Centre of WA. Jan 25 - Feb 2, 2019.

Cotton Wool Kid is a roller coaster of emotions, a tenderly crafted story that is happy to turn the audience upside down without warning. A story of love and loss, where things can change in a moment, where the unlikely is plausible, yet the story is completely believable. 

Underground Railroad Game

Created by Jennifer Kidwell and Scott R. Sheppard with Lighting Rod Special. Ars Nova production. Malthouse – Backett Theatre. 30 January – 17 February 2019

Underground Railroad Game is full of twists and turns and shocking surprises.  And - warning adult’s only – full frontal nudity!

A Room with a View

By E.M. Forster adapted by Roger Parsley and Andy Graham. Genesian Theatre Company, Sydney. Director: Mark G. Nagle. Feb 2 – Mar 9, 2019

Photos of the cast interwoven with lovely shots of Italy play on a screen in the foyer of the theatre. Reproductions of Renaissance paintings adorn the walls. Others, stylishly framed in gold, surround the proscenium arch and reach around to encompass the stained-glass windows which are a feature of 1868 building that is the Genesian.

It’s so good to see a director and his creatives thinking beyond the stage and the script. Congratulations Mark! Your vision sets the scene as elegantly as E.M. Forster described it in 1908.