You’re So Brave

You’re So Brave
By Georgi Ivers. Directed by Joe Paradise Lui. The Blue Room Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre, WA. Oct 18-29, 2022

Presented by The Blue Room and Georgi Ivers, You’re So Brave is the autobiographical story of lead creative Georgi Ivers. Diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses (Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia and Chron’s Disease) between the ages of 17 and 26, the show chronicles Georgi’s battles with health issues, her move to Hong Kong as a young woman, and her decision on her return to Perth, to begin pole dancing.

Placing her personal battles alongside the collective upheaval of Hong Kong’s battle against the growing Chinese authoritarianism, and the physicality of pole dancing makes for an interesting show – and Georgi’s raw honesty, warmth and openness as a performer keeps the audience engaged and involved throughout. 

The non-linear nature of the show keeps us listening and Georgi’s storytelling is first rate. As a fellow fibro sufferer, I related on a personal level, but her moving and accurate descriptions of chronic illness, will, I am sure, resonate with most audience members.

The show features a functional, well-designed set and bold lighting by Adelaide Harvey, supported by an AV design from Jed Steele. It is accompanied by an organic soundtrack composed by Sze Tsang – who also acted as cultural consultant.

Directed by Joe Paradise Lui, this production has been produced with the constraints of working with chronic illness, but even though the audience will be in awe of Georgi’s achievements, in many ways You’re So Brave is deliberately and consciously anti inspiration porn - an in the face look at chronic illness that wants you to cheer her on rather than sigh with admiration.

Kimberley Shaw

Photographer: Minni Karamfiles

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