Wot? No Fish!!
6pm on a Friday night after a long week is generally the time you are looking forward to going home to relax with a nice dinner and maybe a drink. Well, there is no dinner at AC Arts but there is Gefilte Fish and a storyteller extraordinaire. In a collaboration between Danny Braverman and Nick Phillipou, the audience hears the story of Braverman’s Great Uncle Ab Solomons through his wage packet art.
Every week of their married life from 1926 to 1982 Ab drew a story on the back of his wage packet for his wife Celie, depicting events in their family life. Upon Ab’s death, Braverman was gifted these artworks, approximately 3000 of them, in shoe boxes, and he set about learning more from the “family oracle”, his mum. With the help of a modern projector the audience is treated to a glimpse into history and the joyful and painful moments of the Solomons, as well as learning a little of the Jewish culture.
Like climbing Everest, Braverman takes the audience through this beautiful, witty and moving story, one step at a time to reach the perfect summit. The creative team of Braverman and Phillipou combined with the technical skills of Simon Jackson-Lyall & Jonah Sealey Braverman, have created an intimate and stunning piece.
With a very short run for the Adelaide Festival don’t delay book your tickets now.
Maxine Grubel
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