Wonderful World
Richard Dresser’s dark comedy about family relationships is playing to packed houses at Melville Theatre.
Set on an almost bare set, with minimal furnishing, this is a cleanly directed production that allows the acting to shine. Opening, literally with a bang, with a clap of thunder, this is our first taste that this comedy about family relationships might be a little stormy and not quite what we expect.
Paul Davey is solid and likeable as the complex Max, who may or may not harbour designs to kill his fiancé. Madelaine Jones is an excellent choice as the seemingly flighty Jennifer, revealing that her character has more substance than we may expect.
Max’s brother Barry is in a concerning marriage and very nicely played by Jethro Pidd. Natalie Burbage is a tour-de-force as his wife Patty, catalyst for the action of the show and an expertly drawn performance.
Valerie Henry rounds out the cast in a clever and moving portrayal of mother Lydia, who sends the show in unexpected directions.
The almost filmic scene requirements keep the stage crew moving the furnishings throughout, which is handled relatively smoothly and effectively, with much of the setting created by Alexander Coutts-Smith Lighting Design. Lyn Leeder’s costumes conjure a New England winter well, and sound design, by Ellis R. Kinnear helps create atmosphere.
A well directed and interesting story, with some impressive performances, it is perhaps unsurprising that Melville’s final show for 2018 is proving very popular.
Kimberley Shaw
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