Women on the Verge
Daring to tinker with the work of theatrical giants such as Dario Fo and Franca Rame is a courageous enterprise. Capturing the poignancy and the comic artistry of these two iconic figures is a test of skill for any theatre professional. This production employs the talent of Latin American dance and music while evoking shades of Almodóvar’s irreverent female protagonists. It is interesting that two staunchly patriarchal cultures have produced such powerful feminist statements, reverberating well beyond the era of the social unrest that elicited their radical insight into the plight of women.
Director Jaime Wilson Ramirez seems cognisant of the dangerous waters he is treading yet isn’t able to retain the blunt force of these powerful works. Domestic imprisonment is vividly brought to life by Maria Paula Afanador; her presence is both dynamic and extravagant. Alejandra Urquijo’s quiet descent into madness is a little too restrained. Samantha Urquijo’s rendition of Rame’s harrowing experience of rape and torture is disturbing but somewhat dispassionate while Stephanie Valenzuela provides an energetic version of manic morning routines. Some choices in staging and costume design in this show appear incongruous and contrary to the overall agenda.
Patricia Di Risio
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