The Witches
Presented by Griffin Theatre Company, and directed by Lucas Jervies, Christian Charisiou brings this wicked Roald Dahl tale to life as a one-man show. Playing a total of nine characters, intertwined with perfectly timed sound effects and lighting cues – this was a 50-minute show that required your full attention and for all the right reasons. Being a solo performer with minimal props and scenery is difficult enough but to bring to life each character almost instantly and with perfect execution is a tribute to the incredible skill of Christian’s craft.
With a quick flashback to this story-line, The Witches are gathering for their AGM and upon over-hearing their plans to get rid of all the children, one little man springs into action. With only a scattering of props and a large wooden chest in addition to the layered fabric backdrop, Christian used everything perfectly to bring to life the cheekiest of tales with the mischief that Dahl intended.
For those of you who read the tale when you were younger, you would be in the same predicament I was in – how on earth can they do it as a one man show and all within 50 minutes? The soundtrack was ‘instrumental’ in this performance with Sound Designer Nate Edmonson creating another world on stage where Christian’s movements lined up perfectly with the waves of the accompaniment. Moving the story from character to character and prop to prop, the simplicity of the stage and the eccentric and Christian’s high-energy movement made the audience unknowingly grin with joy. Not only was it a perfect tribute to Roald Dahl’s abstract stories but it was perfect for any generation –the kids cackling with laughter and the adults taken back in astonishment at how perfectly the story was told through one man.
The only negative is that it was only performed twice on the SUNPAC stage – we would have gone back and bought the family too! If you have the chance to witness this 50-minute masterpiece, don’t think twice – just book it!
Mel Bobbermien
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