When I Grow Up
Anne Gasko is a music theatre graduate branching out into Cabaret, and this was her first venture into writing and performing her own show. A big ask and a big task.
It dealt with the frustrations of childhood, which she expected to dissipate when she grew up. However, as an adult, she finds life is not what she was expecting. She has the freedom to make choices, but these choices have consequences.
It was very well written and there was no hesitation in her delivery. Her timing was excellent.
She had written new words to a number of songs, and sang some well-known songs. She has a very good voice and expressive delivery. The old Beatles classic “I Want to Hold Your Hand” became a poignant longing for friendship in an adult world when it had been much simpler as a child.
The Butterfly Club is a wonderfully intimate venue and well suited to Cabaret. As Ms. Gasko gains in confidence I can see her interacting more with the audience.
A most promising first effort.
Graham Ford
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