The Wau Wau Sisters: Death Threats (and other forms of flattery)
This uninhibited and profane show is not for the easily offended. In this latest offering The Wau Wau Sisters have created a burlesque inspired by the real life death threat they received after their “Last Supper” show. Alert, but not alarmed, the Sisters vow to press on even though any show may be their last...
A near capacity audience on opening night enjoyed ribald song and dance, punk trapeze, audience participation and cross dressing, satire, sex, religion and gymnastics. Puns, double entendre and ad-libs abound.
Staging was simple - basic lighting, 2 microphones, a trapeze, some costume changes and a willing audience. The supper room configuration in the town hall meant that a lot of the audience were well off to the sides but The Sisters worked the room beautifully. Audio at times was a challenge - the room echoed and their witty lines were lost at times as The Sisters delivered dialogue while trying to catch their breath after another bout of physical mayhem.
The Wau Wau Sisters are high energy and foul mouthed with few boundaries - they give 200% and the audience love it.
Shirley Jensen
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