WARU - Journey of the small turtle.
The story of Waru – The journey of the small turtle, created by the Bangarra Dance Theatre, is directed by Stephen Page and written by Hunter Page-Lochard, who join with two alumni dancers Sani Townson and Elma Kris to present their inaugural educational children’s story on nature conservation and preservation of country. It’s an enchanting reimagining of the Waru - small green turtle, a symbolised and totemic animal in the Torres Strait communities; currently on the verge of extinction due to pollution and predators.
Set under the stars and the illuminated skies of the Torres Strait islands, a local grandmother Aku Malu (Elma Kris) wakes up in her hut one early morning and tells of her beloved turtle Waru, who comes to lay eggs in the sand near her hut every year, while she waits patiently for two full moons for the eggs to hatch, and as their protector fends off the prowling lizard (Sani Townson).
The audience, an enthusiastic bunch of school children, embrace the story with excitement and energy. The beautifully choreographed and delightful Torres Strait ceremonial song and dance performed by Kris and Townson celebrates the baby turtles’ initiation into the ocean. Sung in traditional language, it pays homage to their land and culture. Then one day, a sad turtle trudges along ,entangled in ghost nets (fish wire, plastic, and rubbish). Aku Malu helps her beloved Waru and tells of the dangers of ocean pollution, and how human negligence can cost turtles and other sea creatures their lives.
The Bangarra Dance team have interwoven an impressive and exciting educational journey that also includes interactive movement - melody and traditional songs that invoke the energies and spirits of the Waru turtle. Elma Kris embraces her brazen young audience with joyful delight, playfully instructing them with simple hand gestures such as cupping and gliding that mimic the sounds and actions of the young turtles as they scurry towards the ocean.
The impeccable production team have designed a magical setting, reflecting the island shores, gleaming and colourful while twinkling with day and night contrasts, together with a cacophony of rambunctious sound effects that create a wonderful illusionary experience for the impressionable young audiences.
A truly amazing learning experience for young and old!
Flora Georgiou
Photographer: Daniel Boud
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