Vladimir the Crow – Whispering Ghoul
If you are interested in clowns and clowning catch this show because Paul Bourke’s clown Vladimir the Crow is stunningly unique. He is a delightful clown, perhaps a little socially confronting at times, but very engaging and touching.
As ghoul and ghoul whisperer, Vladimir is sometimes dark and sinister, sometimes contortedly pathetic, sometimes charming, sometimes disarmingly close and often ridiculously funny.
Who would have thought of a ghostly ghoulish clown! With the assistance of haunting sound by Stephen Bourke, Vladimir the Crow creates a pervading dark and mysterious atmosphere.
It is an enjoyable thought provoking show that ends on a charming and delightful note.
However for this solid little gutsy show to be really satisfying it needs the assistance of a dramaturge. It could say more, more efficiently, be less taxing on the performer and ‘pack more punch’ for the audience with the aid of the outside eye of a director.
Because of the nature of clowning and the vulnerability of the clown, this work could do more and be sharper with a more rigidly imposed structure and clearly defined journey.
Never the less it is surprising, fun and funny and totally worth catching as a distinctively different offering for this years Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Suzanne Sandow
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