
By the Unbound Collective. The Blue Room, Perth Cultural Centre, Northbridge, WA. 24 Aug - 4 Sep, 2021

Unbound is a long-term project that began in 2019. Looking at Shakespeare’s plays, the Unbound Collective reworked scenes and adjusted narratives to give female characters more power - ultimately they took Shakespeare’s characters and moments from multiple plays (and the sonnets) to form what is really two new works.

For fans of Shakespeare, this is a fascinating concept - but it is challenging for the viewer. Characters no longer have the same character traits or relationships, moments play differently out of context and your previous knowledge leads you to make assumptions about situations that no longer play true. If you can let go of everything you know, Act 1 is an interesting watch, with performers Bridget Le May, Gala Shevtsov, Hannah Evelyn, Hock Edwards, Kynan Hughes and Ryan Marano working well and intuitively as an ensemble with heartfelt performances. The story of three sisters and the burden of leadership, feels Shakespearean and holds our attention.

The modular set, used in multiple permutations, and the use of black and white in both set and costuming is particularly striking. Clever blocking creates some beautiful stage pictures.

Act Two feels like a different show. Titled ’The Forest’, it is a much more physical exploration and is described as an opportunity for the performers to find themselves. Unfortunately it also loses the audience. As a plus, there is the visual spectacle of more confetti than you have ever seen on stage before. Enough confetti for every Perth wedding for at least the next decade, seeing it float through the air is very calming and mesmerising.

While not for everyone, Unbound is an interesting piece that explores Shakespeare is some intriguing ways, performed by a talented and committed company.

Kimberley Shaw

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