
By Liz Newell. Black Swan State Theatre Company. Directed by Emily McLean. Studio Underground, State Theatre of Western Australia, Perth, WA. May 5-15, 2022

Liz Newall’s Toast premiered at the Blue Room in 2017, winning their award for Best Production. Black Swan’s remount has allowed this locally written gem to reach a wider audience, in a very successful short season. The story of three sisters, grappling with the loss of their mother and the sale of their family home, is a well-drawn look at changing relationships.

Set mostly in the garage of their mothers' home, set and costume designer Sally Phipps gives a great sense of history through boxed memories, which gradually disappear throughout the show. Jolene Whibley’s lighting design is simple but emotive and Rachael Dease’s sound design, at times almost subliminal, supports the production well.

Beautiful relationships are established with the sisters - even more impressive given than Anna Lindstedt, who was playing youngest sister Sydney, was injured just prior to final dress rehearsal, unfortunately leaving her unable to perform. Sam Nerida, originally playing real estate agent Gwen, stepped into the role of Sydney, with Teresa Jakovich joining the cast at the last minute, and doing an excellent job as Gwen.

Alison van Reeken is excellent as oldest sister Candice, responsible and organised but struggling with the breakdown of her marriage. Amy Matthews is compelling as middle sister Alex, struggling with addiction - a beautifully natural and heartfelt performance. Despite her very short preparation, Sam Nerida shines as Sydney - the catalyst role - and one that is complex and layered.

Great to see a well written, beautifully directed and produced local production, successfully reach a wider audience. I am sure that the capacity crowds at the State Theatre Centre appreciated this touching family drama.

Kimberley Shaw

Images: Birdhouse Media

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