The Tempest
The return of Oz Act to Loch Ard Gorge for a performance of The Tempest is a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the more mystical elements of this play. The surroundings create a perfect backdrop for the themes of isolation and being subject to the force of nature.
The play is approached in a very traditional manner allowing the narrative to flow smoothly. The lively performances delight the audience and bring forth the characters with striking clarity. Bruce Widdop exudes the wisdom and dignity of Prospero and this contrasts well with the impetuous and sometimes reckless behaviour of the other characters. Caliban (Kyle McDonald) is interpreted with great gusto. His oppression and frustration are well defined through the tortured nature of his gestures. Ariel (Ryan Ireland) has a lightness in his demeanour which adds to his magical presence, and his singing also adds a great live musical element.
The use of a national park naturally presents challenges and the play is confined to a limited area. While the setting is wonderfully evocative and the production makes awesome use of the location, ways of overcoming these challenges could have been explored further. When the characters appear in unexpected places this provides some of the more dramatic moments in the performance. Finding more innovative ways to achieve this would enhance the magnificence of the experience.
Patricia Di Risio
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