Taxithi – The Long Journey Home
Taxithi explores many migrant stories - rich reflections of lives and memories combined with traditional songs remain forever. Of parents who sailed across the oceans; flew over continents to come to a new land, who dreamt of prosperity, love, and a new life.
Helen Yotis Patterson, a charismatic, vivacious, performer and songstress, presents a series of vignettes: lives of female Greek migrants across the decades from the 1950s onwards. She begins her show by taking us on her own personal journey, flooding with memories of her grandmother, her beloved “Yiayia” and the life she endured after the Second World War before she re-settled in Footscray, Melbourne with her own extended family and grandchildren.
Yotis-Patterson engages her audience with colourful, strong portrayals of feisty women who fought against the odds in wars, challenged patriarchal values, and broke cultural norms. Women who braved the elements to start afresh in a new country only to confront new battles with language barriers while adjusting to new social customs.
The set is inviting and warm, action revolves around a dining area/ kitchen space, and along with clever orchestration of props utilized for character nuance this production is delightful, thoughtful, and magical. The photographic slide show is poignant and reflective of a passed era evoke both nostalgia and memories.
Traditional songs recall family memories, intrinsically woven into the fabric of these personal journeys. Yotis Patterson, along with her two-piece band- pianist Andrew Patterson and on bouzouki Jacob Papadopoulos, transport us back to these days. This trio evoke an atmospheric energy that gives a comfortable space for audience members to sing-a-long. The stage performers and audience unite to create a wonderful joyful ambience.
Helen Yotis Patterson has crafted a superb musical theatrical experience for her audiences.
Flora Georgiou
Photographer: Darren Gill
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