Sydney II: Lost and Found

Sydney II: Lost and Found
By Jenny Davis. Theatre 180. Directed by Stuart Halusz. ACE Cinemas, Rockingham, WA. Aug 18-22, 2021

Theatre 180’s world premiere of Sydney II: Lost and Found was launched with a gala celebration at ACE Cinema Rockingham, the first venue in a Western Australian tour that will continue until November 21 in cinemas around the state. Like Theatre 180’s first production, AB Facey’s A Fortunate Life, Sydney II: Lost and Found is a beautiful blend of cinema and live theatre, but this show further defies the genre boundaries by being a docuplay/docufilm complete with original documents and verbatim testimony - a delight for lovers of WA naval or social history.

Sydney II: Lost and Found tells two stories - literally the losing and finding of HMAS Sydney, sunk in battle off the Western Australian Coast 19 November 1941. We get to meet some of the sailors on the Sydney and their families and understand the military engagement and battle with German cruiser HSK Kormoran, then follow the effort to find the Sydney - finally located in 2008.

Three outstanding actors on stage, and another lovely performance on film, are seamlessly blended with photographs and original film, including the beautiful and haunting underwater film of the Kormoran and Sydney wrecks, as well as gorgeous imagery of Western Australia, both on land at sea.

Morgan Dukes is outstanding in a number of roles including Jessie Rowe, newly married to Sydney crew member Able Seaman, Allan Rowe (an excellent Tom O’Sullivan - also playing multiple roles). On screen we meet Ellen, portrayed with elegance and depth by Janet Pettigrew - whose relationship to the story gradually becomes clear. The final cast member is Myles Pollard, who, like his on-stage colleagues flips between a large number of roles, established quickly, with the aid of swift visible costume additions (wardrobe managed by Elvie Haluskiewicz).

This is a production that is information heavy, but is beautiful storytelling, aided by wonderful sound (sound design by Ben Collins and composition by Ron Siemiginowski) and beautifully composed imagery from Visual Designer Michael Paget and Sunburnt Films.

Sydney II: Lost and Found is a show that is very different, intellectually fulfilling and visually splendid. Showing in a number of suburban and regional theatres means that it should be readily accessible, and is well worth a look.

Kimberley Shaw

Photographer: Stewart Thorpe


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