
By Krystal Sweedman. La Boîte Indie Season. Director: Heather Fairbairn. Roundhouse Theatre, Brisbane. 15-31 October, 2015

La Boîte has again touched on a relevant subject very much a part of the media these days with the introduction of a new playwright, Krystal Sweedman, who, as part of her studies at NIDA, has broached the subject of writing about something her tutor has been encouraging his students to attempt: any topic you wish to avoid. Ms Sweedman chose domestic violence.

What is interesting about this work is the way she has designed it from an adolescent point of view, in particular with the use of Walter Mitty-like dream sequences stemming from the subconscious and brought about as a coping mechanism when domestic scenes of volatility are beginning to escalate. Some of these sequences are most intriguing, though not always fathomable, and certainly capture a surrealistic quality worth exploring. There is some excellent dialogue in this work, true to character and full of psychological insight whilst also capturing a seamless flow. This is particularly apparent in the interplay between the two girls with scripted scenes enviable in the profession.

Also impressive about this production is the exceptional cast - Olivia Hall-Smith in the central role, Vanessa Krummenacher, her friend and contrasting character, in a bubbly performance worth highlighting, Caroline Dunphy as the mother and Ron Kelly as the father both superbly cast - who bring to life characters and scenes all too familiar in Australian suburbia with the characteristic interplay between the parents dealing with a teenage daughter who is again dealing with her parents while developing a bond with those in her own age group. A complicated subject neatly packaged by the author and director.

Sunnytown demonstrates depth, character and theatrical nuance from a talented team ripe for further display.

Brian Adamson

Photographer: Dylan Evans

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