Straw Brain

Straw Brain
Written and directed by Taylor Broadley. HoneyBomb. Fringe World. After Dark Pier St, Perth WA. 26-29 January 2022

Straw Brain is a brand-new musical from the author of The Kildeer and A Boy Wanted To. Presented by HoneyBomb, this sweet little production is very much a feel-good show that leaves the audience smiling. 

This is a one man and one bird show. Subtitled “The wonderful adventures of Straw Brain and a defiant little crow”, it is a scarecrow’s voyage of self-discovery and realisation.

Noah Goodsell is outstanding as Straw Brain, the scarecrow, bringing a great deal of personality to the role and inhabiting the role so perfectly that you wonder if it was written for him. Conversing with the audience until the show begins, he has already won the hearts of many in the audience before the first note is sung. He sings well and dances beautifully in an excellent performance.

Straw Brain’s voice is the only voice in the show, making this from a vocal perspective, a one man show. Taylor Broadley’s songs are strong (especially the title song and closing number “A Song to Sing for the Moon”).

Bird is played by a delightful little puppet, expertly puppeteered by Abbey McCaughan, endowing this little crow with an abundance of personality.

Simply staged, Craig Delbridge’s set includes beautiful use of projections that are an artwork in themselves and greatly contribute to the tone of the show.

Straw Brain is a simple but moving little musical that touches the hearts of its audience. Lovely to see a new work with such a lovely soul.

Kimberley Shaw

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