S.S. Metaphor

S.S. Metaphor
By Ash Flanders. Directed by Sarah Giles. The Malthouse Outdoor Stage, 113 Sturt St, Southbank Melbourne. 5 - 19 December, 2021

This show has all the components of a very promising cabaret show. Four talented performers, many of whom are almost veterans of the genre, a strong concept and a very inviting venue. S.S. Metaphor is set on a cruise ship which, from the outset, has a bizarre sense of doom lurking in the background. It parodies the cheesy atmosphere that is often associated with cruise ship culture, starting with the ‘has been’ entertainers singing a medley of equally cheesy melodies that are supposedly designed to encourage “Love Boat” style romance.

The problem is that this strategy never seems to properly shift into parody mode. The tongue in cheek approach doesn’t quite land in this show. The stupid gags, quick character changes and crazy costumes elicit chuckles and laughter but rarely move beyond being portrayed as amusing but tired comic tactics. The outdoor venue is well set-up and recreates the cruise ship vibe well, but the large-scale location requires a larger than life set and more inventive costumes. The stage design seems more appropriate for a more intimate or informal circumstance as opposed to the grand scale performance that the location demands. 

Natalie Gamsu and Ash Flanders capture the persona of the fading cabaret star well and belt out some great numbers. Will Conyers’s piano accompaniment always hits the right tone in terms of replicating the cheesiness of the cruise ship piano man and Zenya Carmellotti also has the opportunity to display her great vocal talents. There are some interesting plot twists, which are well executed by the sheer enthusiasm of the performers. However, the show is more focused on the deliberately flimsy storyline and needs to give the audience greater opportunity to simply enjoy the musical elements of the genre. 

Patricia Di Risio 

Photographer: Pia Johnson.

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