She Dies In Moonlight
If you ever wish to have night at the theatre that is intriguing and absorbing in plot and characters, while involving the audience in what is happening on stage, then a visit to this play is the ideal. The audience members are given questionnaires to test how observant they have been and they can also ask the characters various questions before the villain is revealed. With so many possible killers in the scenes, do not expect the same person to be found guilty more than once.
The play takes place at the home of Patricia Horsfall, who lives on the South Coast of Queensland and has invited friends to stay overnight before the launch of a new book. Friends of the friends add to the list and they are one heck of a mixture and of character standards. Completing the cast are a police Inspector and a police sergeant/compere. The storyline is complex and all the audience knows for sure is someone will be killed and that will be the murder they have to solve.
This is the second play of recent years that has been written and directed by John Da Cruz. It is quite an achievement. The flow of the action was quite good but the script could be tightened in a couple of places. Samantha Beed was a very good Karen Christ, with a well defined characterization and movement. Congratulations goes to Kristen Davidson for being an outstanding Melanie Pride. The cast are good over-all but a couple need to be much clearer.
It is good to see companies try something different, while helping local writers progress. It was a very different experience at a play and one you all should try. It is well worth a visit.
William Davies
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