Road Blocks
Artie is an actor, but a struggling one, and we follow Artie through all the roadblocks that she encounters, as she endeavours to become a successful performer.
Presented by Glass Road Productions, a female led theatre company from Victoria, this solo piece was admirably performed by Clare Regan, whose honesty and commitment to the role made me believe this was autobiographical until I read more about the show,
Clare inhabits Artie with compassion and depth, with a laconic, self-effacing delivery that leads us to really like both actress and character. Lovely pacing and gentle but strong comic timing had audiences engaged for this hour long piece.
Performing at unusual times in an out of the way venue, this show did not attract the audiences it deserved - and given how difficult it was to find the room within the hotel itself, I would not be surprised if some paying audience failed to get to the show. Road Blocks was a lovely surprise at the end of the journey - a little show that packed a punch.
A show that will resonate with actors, and anyone who has struggled against the odds to achieve their dreams.
Kimberley Shaw
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