Based on the short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Written by Gary Abrahams, Elise Hearst and Galit Klas. Kadimah Yiddish Theatre, Monstrous Theatre and Neil Gooding Productions. Directed by Gary Abrahams. Playhouse, Sydney Opera House. October 17 - November 10, 2024
Oy vey, what a play! A delicious mix of mysticism, gender politics, lust, suspense, Yiddish, ancient Jewish lore and cross dressing. And yes, and there is some nudity.
Enough schmutz* to drag people away from the Hot Rabbi on Netflix.
Isaac Singer penned the short story Yentl the Yeshiva Boy – but hated Barba Streisand’s 1983 film adaptation. Streisand kept the core of the story about an orthodox Eastern-European Jewish woman, who dresses as a man so she can study Jewish scriptures, but shaped it as a vehicle for her own talent.