Prismatic is an intriguing monologue play set in a karaoke bar called Prismatic. Through well-performed interconnected monologues - from a very promising, emerging writer - we meet three fascinating karaoke performers and get an insight into their lives and loves.
Anna Harris performs the first piece as Heather, a young woman who is attempting to perform Abba as she watches her ex-girlfriend with a new love. An interesting mix of what is happening inside her head, and what she is performing (and times when we are unsure - and it doesn’t matter), Anna Harris plays this character with absolute truth. A gorgeously flawed character and a cleverly written piece that drips with irony, this is easy to watch theatre that has lots of things to say, hidden in the comedy.
The second piece, performed by Faisal Hamza - is less clear. Still very funny and very watchable (Hamza is very dynamic performer), this is a life, universe and everything monologue backed by a Greek chorus of sorts (Anna Harris and Chelsea Gibbs). I can’t help thinking that I missed a key hook at the beginning of this section that would have helped to make sense of this.
The final section features Ellie, played with panache and expert timing by Chelsea Gibson, on her eighteenth birthday and her first “night out”. If Heather was flawed and likeable, we gradually learn that Ellie is diabolical, but with Chelsea’s expert performance, we find ourselves loving (against our will) this obnoxious WAAPA Musical Theatre Student. Expertly written and outstandingly performed Prismatic would be worth seeing for this alone.
Great to see this clever impactful satire from a young team. A writer and performers with great talent - well worth catching this show.
Kimberley Shaw
Images: (top) Chelsea Gibson as Ellie and (lower) Anna Harris as Heather.
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