The timeless tale of Pinocchio, the puppet who wanted to be a boy, has been given fresh life by Big Monkey Theatre and the writing of Les Winspear, in the delightful setting of the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. This summer’s presentation is the 22nd family show at the gardens, and the beginning of this year’s public season. The actors - Will Pridmore,
Craig Irons, Claire Dawson, Quinn Griggs and Emesha Rudolf - have honed their skills playing to school audiences, having already entertained over 7,000 school children in the summer of the 2015 school year. Big Monkey’s commitment of bringingprofessional, imaginative, witty theatre to the public is also lots of fun for both the team and the audience.
Audience members have reported looking forward to their annual visit to Hobart because they would get to see the next show in the gardens. Parents make a point of introducing their children to theatre at the gardens.
Knockabout pantomime shows are a rite of passage, introducing each new generation to theatrical fun. Audience members range in age from the very young (even a babe-in-arms of 6 weeks, and his older siblings) to grandparents and great-grandparents, and every age in between. The secret of the appeal, and the audience attention, must be the liveliness and vivacity of the cast.
Les Winspear’s script, with topical jokes and references, and the usual child-favourite humour (some snot jokes and being naughty) engaged the audience, with plenty of opportunity for participation. Will Pridmore was a perfectly energetic little puppet. Craig Irons was Gepetto, also playing three other roles – his hilarious accents had the children rolling around with laughter. Claire Dawson as Mr Cherry (and three other roles) gave her usual larger than-life- and funny-as-a-clown performance. Quinn Griggs and Emesha Rudolf played five roles with pace and energy. Music director Craig M. Wood gave the cast lots of scope to keep the audience entranced. A smart, fresh set, designed by Nicole Winspear, was the perfect backdrop for non-stop action. Well done Big Monkey – another hit and another high quality entertainment for family, friends and the little people.
Merlene Abbott
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