Petrushka - Game, Set and Match

Petrushka - Game, Set and Match
Choreographed by Scott Elstermann. Studio Underground, State Theatre Centre of WA, Perth, WA. April 28 - May 1, 2022

Petrushka - Game, Set and Match is a highly theatrical blend of Ballet, Contemporary Dance and Tennis. Choreographed by Scott Elstermann, it is a reimagining of the ballet Petrushka by Sergei Diaghilev. Beautifully danced and staged with a great sense of fun, this was easy to watch and compelling dance theatre.

The original Petrushka, which premiered in 1911, was choreographed by Michael Fokine for Diaghilev’s Ballet Russes and told the story of three puppets brought to life by a magician and featured a love triangle. Much of the original story remains intact, with poor marionette Petrushka in love with a ballet dancer (now a tennis umpire) who in turn favours The Moor. The original setting of a fairground is replaced with a tennis court, and dancing girls and drunken revellers are replaced with a “corps de ball kids”.

While at times this is highly balletic, Petrushka - Game, Set and Match also features very flexible contemporary dance (with elements of contortion) that shouldn’t be possible for people who are not actually marionettes. The storyline is strong and more than once I found myself leaning forward, physically drawn into the show. Excellent performances and strong teamwork from the four lead performers - David Mack in the title role, Tyrone Earl Lraé Robinson as The Moor, Laura Boynes as the Umpire (or Ballerina) and Bernadette Lewis as the Magician.

The ensemble, attired in costume designer Molly Werner’s gorgeously ugly "ball kid” uniforms are a delight, dancing nicely and bringing some lovely moments of humour.

Simply staged, atmospheric lighting design from Peter Young highlights the drama, and the show benefits from sound design from Jeremy Turner.

Petrushka - Game, Set and Match is one of this reviewer’s favourite new dance works in many years - and is simply a joy to watch. While its present short run has come to an end, I hope that there is further life for this dynamic and charming new production.

Kimberley Shaw

Photographer: Daniel Grant

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