Out of Sight …Out of Mind
The play begins with author Peter Knight grinding out a murder story in an old mansion where another author had been murdered years before. A weird electrical storm has cosmic effects and his characters come to life. Naturally they are the typical characters of murder mysteries that had appeared in such novels in the past. They are the ingénue, the seductress, the butler, the nasty old lady, the lawyer, the juvenile and the maid who is always pregnant. Oh, he has a normal maid. Peter loses control of his characters and the murders begin to occur – as in a novel. As it evolves, there is romance, suspense and wit. We do find out who did what.
From the suitably mood-setting set to the strong casting, director, Jean Bowra, has produced a taut mystery spiced with some humour. Well done. Craig Longoria, as the author Peter Knight, was critical to the success or otherwise of the production as he is the focus throughout, and in every scene. He succeeds with this performance. The most obnoxious character was Fiona, the old lady, an attention grabbing role that was given an outstanding interpretation by Karen Christl. Tracey Zielinski was a very effective seductress as Lydia Dillingsworth while Terry Skinner was my imagined typical butler – and all that that implies. Helen Bradford, Jessica Bradford, David Scheiwe, Jesse Ainsworth and George Caddy completed this very good cast.
The question for the audience was to decide who the murderer was. As usual, I was incorrect but I was absorbed and intrigued throughout this well directed production. Mousetrap Theatre has another good production.
William Davies
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