Out of Earshot
To promise patrons that they “will never experience music the same way again” is to set up your show with some mighty big shoes indeed. Can Out of Earshot possibly fill them? Could any show?
The concept of staging a display of dance and music that caters to both Deaf and hearing audiences is a terrific one. The problems for this reviewer start with the limitations inherent in a musical performance from a solo percussionist; regardless of how talented Myele Manzana may be as a contemporary jazz musician, there are only so many different textures and tones that can be coaxed from a solitary drum kit over the course of an hour. Unfortunately, when an unaccompanied rap routine bursts in towards the end, it feels like a rude and unwanted intrusion rather than a breath of fresh air.
One of the more ambitious and interesting aspects of Out of Earshot is the visualisation of the drumming vibrations on screens that encircle the stage. In tandem with the elegant, impressive movements of dancers Anna Seymour, Gerard Van Dyck, Elle Evangelista, and Timothy Ohl, it does succeed in creating a performance of a specific kind that you probably haven’t witnessed before.
It also, however, remains a relatively minimalistic experience that feels undernourished, even at only 55 minutes in length. The simple black clothes of the ensemble – though intriguingly reminiscent of the visual stylings of the awesome, percussion-heavy, 1980s alternative Oz pop band Big Pig – combine with the relatively limited range of colours and lighting effects deployed on stage to leave the visual component of this show less engaging than it ought to be.
Despite the misgivings that this reviewer must honestly convey regarding Out of Earshot, one sincerely hopes that the Deaf community find the show as rewarding and inspiring as it is clearly intended to be. Groups like KAGE absolutely deserve encouragement and support as they continue to strive for innovation and inclusiveness in the world of entertainment.
Anthony Vawser
Photographer: Jeff Busby
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