Red Line Productions are on a red-hot streak and Orphans at the Old Fitz is no exception. At last the Old Fitz is housing consistently good work. AT LAST. One more time. AT [expletive] LAST.
Lyle Kessler’s play isn’t anything to write home about. Two orphan, bum brothers’ worlds are shaken when a well-dressed, wealthy man strides into their flat proclaiming to be a fellow orphan and promising to help them find success. An enticing mystery ensues where we’re constantly kept guessing about the origins of this mysterious man and his connection to these boys. The connection never comes and the mystery is unfulfilled. A shame. Nonetheless, themes of fraternity, delinquency and manipulation are intriguing.
The strength of this production lies in the creative team assembled. Heading up the team is Anthony Gooley who directs with pathos, speed and gusto. Clean, simple and efficient technical production by designer Anna Gardiner, lighting designer Matt Cox and sound designer David Stalley showcase how a small, intimate theatre space should be utilised. And of course there’s the skilled, soul-searching actors Danny Adcock, Aaron Glenane andAndrew Henry. Danny Adcock gives a mysteriously delicious performance as Harold. His bizarre accent – a mish-mash of Harold’s German/Irish/ Russian/ Philadelphia upbringing - is only one way that the audience can appreciate the detail in Adcock’s performance.
If none of the above is persuasive enough, tickets are cheap as chips. Go see indie theatre. It’s fabulous. Bravo Red Line Productions.
Maryann Wright
Image: Danny Adcock and Aaron Glenane - Photo by Rupert Reid.
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