No Exit

No Exit
By Jean-Paul Sarte and Paul Bowles. Kalamunda Dramatic Society. Directed by Virginia Moore Price. KADS Town Square Theatre, Kalamunda WA. Mar 10-25, 2023

Kalamunda Dramatic Society’s No Exit is an expertly directed and superbly performed production of Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist drama, and one of the best productions to come out of KADS in the last decade.

Although this production has a gorgeous set, with great attention to detail, designed by Virginia Moore Price and Peter Bloor, closely resembling the room described in the text, the acting area is the entire space of KADS’ theatre, meaning that this cosy venue is even more intimate. Costumes (also by Virginia Moore Price and Peter Bloor) are beautifully chosen for character. 

Sartre’s play is set literally in hell, centring around the idea that “L’enfer, c’est les autres” or “Hell is other people”, and it places three people in the perpetually closed room - creating each other’s torture. It relies on three outstanding performances, and excellent ensemble work - achieved with this superb cast.

Fabulous acting from Peter Neaves as Garcin, Lara Brunini as Estelle, and Suzannah Churchman as Inez; three thoroughly unlikeable and unpleasant characters, in whom we come to be invested against our will, thanks to outstanding performances. Excellent use of conflict and dynamics in a well-paced, beautifully crafted production.

Peter Bloor plays The Valet - an outsider and staff member who brings the trio to their fate - an elegant performance that supports the production very well.

This production adds a unique final character that adds impact and food-for-thought. Jack Churchman plays a silent spirit-like character called The Shadow, who moves between the characters adding emphasis and asking silent questions. Moving ethereally with balletic grace - Jack brings unnerving facial expression and adds an extra element of uncertainty and unease. An innovative addition that strengthens the production.

No Exit may change your mind about existentialist theatre - an intelligent, well produced and acted production that deserves full houses. Highly recommended.

Kimberley Shaw

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