Moonlight Serenade
First time director Gai Byrne has put together an entertainment featuring a variety of songs and sketches covering the era from the 1930’s to 1950’s.
With a beautifully dressed cast of 20, the program includes popular songs made famous by Vera Lynne, “Old Blue Eyes” and Dean Martin to name a few, and even has a section showcasing Burlesque Queen Tracey “Fleur” Lord, complete with feathered fans, and stripping down to a couple of “doo dahs”.
The finale of Act 1 featured WW 2 songs presented in front of a large Lancaster Bomber made especially for the show by “Captain Corflute”, Mark Randle and Trevor Neve. What a striking backdrop to commemorate all those men and women who served their country!
Mark also penned the numerous “Benny Hill” style sketches adding a touch of Music Hall to the proceedings.
Extra seating was needed for the capacity audience who thoroughly enjoyed the performance.
Roger McKenzie
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