
Vivaldi Vespers

Presented by Brisbane Chamber Choir. Directed by Graeme Morton. Queensland Conservatorium Theatre. 2 March, 2025

If you never attended Catholic school, the title Vivaldi Vespers may have you imagining Baroque composers zipping about on Italian scooters. Those who know their Hail Marys from their Anima Christis can tell you, however, that in this sense, Vespers is a type of Catholic liturgical prayer that includes an opening song, a chanted psalm or Old Testament canticle, and the singing of the Magnificat.

Burn it

By Lydia Kuelsen. Adelaide Fringe. The Box at Arthur Artbar. 3 – 9 March 2025

Navigating friendship is hard enough, but when the feelings are more than platonic, it becomes more challenging. Burn it is a story of two best friends away on a camping trip after break-ups and abusive relationships. Writer Lydia Kuelsen is Cam, full of confidence as the organiser of the trip, bursting with plans of where to go and what to do. Stevie McKeon is Jayden, who hates camping, and is not thrilled with the idea of walking to a waterfall. So they day-drink instead.

Kinky Boots

Words and Music by Cindi Lauper. Book by Harvey Feinstein. Ballarat Lyric Theatre Inc. Directed by Stephen Armati. Her Majesty's Theatre Ballarat. Feb 27th - March 9th 2025.

There are two reasons for theatre lovers all over Victoria to rush to Ballarat if they can.

One is the beautiful historic Her Majesty's Theatre, loving restored to its former elegance and class with great empathy.

The second is perhaps the finest production you will ever see of Harvey Feinstein and Cindi Lauper's joyful musical Kinky Boots.


A triple shot of Lux Radio Plays. Directed by Eddie Bruce. New Farm Nash Theatre, Queensland. March 1 to March 22, 2025.

Nash Theatre has developed the habit of having a radio play as their first production of the year and so it was this year.  This takes the audience back to the days before television when radio was king. The first production of this show was in 1952 and it was so different from previous efforts. True to the title, this broadcast is broken into three episodes – Start of a Legend, Bloody Hands and Chester’s Dilemma.

An Introvert’s Guide to Extroverts

By Luke Morris. Chevron Science Theatre, Scitech, West Perth WA. Feb 7-9, 2025

We arrive in the lecture theatre for our PSY24IGE lecture, scheduled to be exploring the history of introverts in society, their current status and potential future, but our scheduled lecturer Dr Latchman’s lab monkeys have escaped, so he is unable to attend.

Our lecture is taken over by introverted tutor Matt Boring (Luke Boring) who switches the lecture into a pro-introvert campaign.

Ultimate Safari

Perth Festival. Directed by Sophia Stepf. Rehearsal Room, State Theatre Centre of Western Australia. Feb 19-23, 2025

One of the joys of Perth Festival, while no longer carrying the “International Arts” moniker, is the opportunity to view international acts that would not otherwise come to Perth. A great example is the experience of Ultimate Safari, a production by Flinn Works and Asedeva, hailing from Germany and Tanzania.

Bloom Ballet Gala

Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. Presented by Ballet Rogue. Main Theatre at Goodwood Theatre and Studios, Goodwood. March 2 - 20 2025

I was a ballet dancer in my twenties and so am keen to support the ballet, whether it be the Fringe or South Australia in general.

Bloom Ballet Gala is presented by Rogue Ballet which was established by independent dance artist Mimi Yoshii in 2024, and comprises classically trained dancers from all walks of life from pre-professional dancers making their debut on the stage, to professional and ex-professional dancers seeking further opportunities to showcase their skills.

Tick, Tick…Boom

By Jonathan Larson. Wanneroo Repertory. Directed by Devlin Turbin. The Limelight Theatre, Civic Dve, Wanneroo, WA. Feb 27 - Mar 8, 2025

Tick, Tick…Boom is a last-minute addition to Wanneroo Repertory’s season. When it was announced that the scheduled play was unable to go on, about 7 weeks before Opening Night, director Devlin Turbin offered to do the musical Tick, Tick…Boom. From announcement, through auditions, rehearsal and construction in a very short time, one might forgive a slightly undercooked production, but this was a production that was polished and raring on Opening Night (except for programmes - but we can forgive one dropped ball).


Presented by Ritual Events. Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025. Latvian Hall, Wayville March 1 – 23, 2025

The dictionary defines a ritual as “a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.”

Ritual by Ritual Events is just that. Upon arrival I am greeted by a man in a metallic mask and long black cape who instructs me to put on one of the masks provided on a table by the entrance. Now I’m excited!

When all the audience are present, we are ushered into the venue for the ritual. The feeling is similar to being in a secret order, but with no knowledge of what is going to happen next.

Krapp’s Last Tape

By Samuel Beckett. Presented by Arts Projects Australia and Adelaide Festival. Landmark Productions. Dunstan Playhouse. Feb 27th to March 8th, 2025

It was when I did some research on Irish born Samuel Beckett, playwright, poet, critic and short story writer that the reason for several of his works became clear. For many, he is best known for his literary and theatrical work featuring bleak, impersonal, and tragicomic experiences of life, often coupled with black comedy.

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