Masterclass 2: Flames of the Forge
Red Line Productions brings Gareth Davies and Charlie Garber back to the Old Fitz as the lone survivors in a world that has not been saved. In a chaos of theatrical styles – including a guest appearance by David Stratton (filmed, of course!) – they look into their past, try to rationalise their very strange present and, eventually, take a bold and irreverent step into the future.
Seriously? No! This is Davies and Garber at their impudent, talented best – funny, fast and exceptionally clever. If you loved their Masterclass last year, you’ll probably laugh even more this time. Dramatic allusions abound in a complexity of scene and style changes that are very tightly written – and just as tightly directed. These guys know their stuff – as writers, directors and performers! There is no ‘fat’ in this production. Everything moves fast – except for the requisite pauses and silent asides! – and the sound and lighting cues are as faultless as the immaculate timing of the performers.
Is it therefore, an “an actors’ and directors’ play”? It certainly has ‘insider’ appeal to anyone with the even most rudimentary theatre training, but there’s enough humour and pace to satisfy any audience – and the plot segues are ingenious, to say nothing (and I won’t) of the climax. It is a well-crafted piece of theatre that fits the Old Fitz like a glove. Davies and Garber have made the tight space and the proximity of the audience intricate to the production. Its compactness enables, with precise lighting design and cues (Ross Graham), the maximum effect that can be achieved with carefully planned direction by two canny, clever writer/performers.
Carol Wimmer
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