Love Bird
Hilarious new absurdist comedy Love Bird is a family drama turned on its head and pulled from side to side to portray preposterous situations in a frivolous and comical manner.
It's an extraordinary quirky feast of quite bizarre events that reflect on the general malfunctions of family life. Franny (Jessica Martin) has just turned eight, she has no friends and her parents decide to give her a pet parrot as a birthday gift because it will train her to be responsible, caring and prevent her from feeling lonely. The mother is a foul mouthed, anxious neurotic and the father is a bird watching geek. Full credit goes to Prince Ping Pong (John Marc Desengano), a brilliantly nuanced performance with an impeccable talent for parrot mimicry.
Love Bird is an authentic new play by writer Georgina Harriss, a local writer who has a serious penchant for delving into the dark side of the family unit and teasing out its tensions and anxieties, and actually making people laugh. A generous gift to offer your audience!
Despite the constraints of a tiny set, which only enhanced the production, the performers were quick off the mark and manipulated the claustrophobic space with ease, further amplifying the absurdity.
It is a fun and probing show that entertains and questions family values. Harriss is on par with the Wes Andersons of the world and l am eager to see more of her stuff.
A fun night out!
Flora Georgiou
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