The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Just in time for the school holidays, this production will appeal to equally to children and the adults who recall the book with fondness. Playwright, Joseph Robinette, is much acclaimed but the writing is often declamatory and stilted. Armitage, however, has done wonderful things in this production. The show is visually satisfying. Projections, lighting and a soundscape are used to create atmosphere on what might otherwise be a stark stage. The Wardrobe, itself, is charming. Costumes and makeup are effective and well considered. Aslan, who might well have been subject to consistent treatment, is played by Jeff Keogh, attired in a dark suit and manipulating a large mask. Keogh’s voice with Roz Wren’s artistry quickly make the character believable in the way a full body costume might not.
Several very capable young actors debut in this production. The children, one of two casts, were all excellent although some vocal coaching for the younger ones may not have gone amiss. C.J. Bowers, Laura Gilkes, Breanna Geer, Prasaanth Reddy, Alice Skinner, Kate Vosper gave clearly delineated and effective performances.
The show may have lacked pace in the first half of opening night but gained momentum in Act II as the stage filled with actors and sword fighting. Aslan’s sacrifice was well managed, effective and a fitting climax.
Anne Blythe-Cooper
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