Le Noir: The Dark Side of Cirque
Former violinist Simlon Painter and entertainment organiser Tim Lawson, in creating the vision for this show, whose world tour commences in Australia, have created something that rivals Cirque du Soleil itself for sheer magnificent spectacle. Under the obviously exacting direction and choreography of Neil Dorward, every act without exception enthralled the audience with daring; tight execution; and superb showmanship.
Following a large-scale piece of theatre magic presenting all the performers, the production's opening act, "Aerial Lira", demonstrated flexible gymnastics on an aerial hoop that, beyond its dexterity and coordination, the gymnast performed with exquisite elegance. From there, the show only became more entrancing, eliciting sighs, gasps, and frequent spontaneous applause. The "cyr wheel", a large metallic ring in which a man spun and rolled magnificently and independently of the roll of the ring itself; the ringmaster's progressive enclosure in a large balloon; two very different pairs of aerial acrobats taking the audience's collective breath away on many occasions; feats of impossible strength and beautiful balance; incredibly controlled spinning of large illuminated polyhedra; rapid skating and lifting on a very small rink; intermissions of well-done physical comedy; and more: every act was a masterful performance.
It helped that the show was surrounded by truly spectactular lighting effects and accompanied by a richly musical, moving, exciting soundtrack. The entire effect was an inspiration.
This is circus at its most enthralling, at its most entertaining, at a pinnacle of perfection, and the Canberra Theatre is to be congratulated for obtaining the season. If you get a chance to see it, don't miss it.
Review and photo by John P. Harvey
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